post @ 2022-04-03

This is my first computer, kind of because I can’t really remember how it looks like, at least I know it was a Vtech.

When I was around 5, my parents bought me a kid computer, so that I can have fun and play some educational games. Those computers were very popular, you could learn math, orthograph, geography etc… The screen was crappy, the sound too.

So now you are wondering, the title is My first program, you can’t write program with a kids computer right?

I still don’t really know why, but at the time...

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post @ 2022-04-03

Welcome to my blog! This is my very first post.

Why this blog?

In this blog I’ll publish some:

  • Technical articles

    These posts will be about some frameworks, languages, debugging, algorithm, engineering etc…

  • Dev story articles

    In these posts I’ll try to start from my very first projects and go forward to my current side projects/experiments. Talking about the
    contexts and story behind that. This will describe all my journey towards becoming a software engineer.

  • Projects articles

    These posts will describe projects I did and I think are valuable technically. Describing the stack etc…

Every article will have Categories and Tags so you can choose what you want to see.